
Welcome to Marvin!

Customize checks to enhance the security and reliability of Kubernetes clusters

Marvin is an open source CLI tool designed to assist Kubernetes cluster administrators in enhancing the security and reliability of their environments, through customizable checks.
Common Expression  
Language (CEL)

Common Expression Language (CEL)

Marvin utilizes a powerful set of CEL expressions to perform extensive checks on your cluster resources.

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Flexible custom 

Flexible custom checks

Marvin enables you to create customized checks that are aligned with the standards of your organization, according to your specific needs.

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30+ builtin  

30+ builtin checks

Marvin includes 30+ built-in checks from well-known frameworks, such as PSS, NSA & CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance and MITRE's ATT&CK.

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Seamless integration 
with Zora

Seamless integration with Zora

Marvin seamlessly integrates with Zora, our Kubernetes scanning tool, which employs other plugins to detect issues.

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The power of CEL

CEL offers a range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for creating user-friendly checks for Kubernetes cluster security and reliability:


CEL offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to adapt checks to the dynamic nature of Kubernetes environments. You can define variables, leverage conditionals, and loops, and also incorporate external data sources into your checks, making it easier to handle diverse scenarios and adapt to changing cluster conditions.



CEL provides a rich set of operators and functions, allowing you to cover complex conditions and rules in a concise and readable manner. Its capabilities enables you to define precise checks tailored to your specific requirements, aiding in aligning your Kubernetes clusters with desired security and reliability standards.



CEL features straightforward syntax that is easy to understand, even for users with limited programming experience. Its simplicity enables administrators to quickly grasp the language and write checks without need of extensive training or complex programming knowledge.


Flexible Custom Checks

Marvin allows you to define and execute custom checks tailored to your unique Kubernetes environment. 

You can leverage the expressive CEL capabilities to create verifications that are in alignment with your organization's security and reliability standards.

Custom checks

Here are a few examples showcasing the simplicity and power of CEL for defining custom checks with Marvin:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # check if all containers don't defines a hostPort (or a known list) - expression: > allContainers.all(container, !has(container.ports) || container.ports.all(port, !has(port.hostPort) || port.hostPort == 0 || port.hostPort in params.allowedHostPorts ) )

Built-in checks

Marvin offers a robust set of built-in checks to enhance the security and reliability of your Kubernetes clusters.

With over 20 built-in checks sourced from reputable frameworks, including PSS (Pod Security Standards), CIS benchmark, and MITRE's ATT&CK, Marvin provides administrators with an extensive range of comprehensive assessments.

These frameworks have been established as industry standards for assessing Kubernetes cluster security and serve as a solid foundation for Marvin's comprehensive checks.

To explore all the built-in checks available in Marvin, visit our GitHub repository

View built-in checks
Built-in checks

Integration with Zora

Marvin seamlessly integrates with Zora, our Kubernetes scanning tool that detects issues, vulnerabilities, and misconfigurations, based on integrated plugins (popeye and Zora - others are coming soon). As a plugin inside Zora, Marvin's custom checks can be visualized within the Zora dashboard, alongside other integrated plugins. This integration provides a centralized view of all checks, including Marvin's customizable checks, allowing you to monitor and manage your cluster's security and reliability via a single interface.

As a plugin within Zora, Marvin's custom checks can be visualized within the Zora dashboard, alongside other integrated plugins. This integration provides a centralized view of all checks, including Marvin's customizable checks, allowing you to monitor and manage your cluster's security and reliability from a single interface.

Start using Zora now

Contribute to Marvin

Marvin is an open source project, and we welcome contributions from the community

Visit our Github